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Q: Why Do I Need a Veterinary Referral for Animal Behaviour Services?

A: Requiring a veterinary referral for animal behaviour services is a crucial step in ensuring the best care for your dog or horse. It is also a requirement of being a member of the APBC.

This process involves a few key reasons:

  • Health Check: Many behavioural issues in pets can be linked to underlying health problems. A veterinary referral ensures that any health-related causes are identified and addressed before or in conjunction with behavioural modifications.
  • Holistic Approach: Behavioural issues can be a combination of medical and environmental factors. Collaborating with your veterinarian allows us to take a holistic approach, considering all aspects of your pet’s health and environment in our behavioural plans.
  • Safety and Effectiveness: Your vet’s input helps ensure that any behaviour modification techniques we use are safe for your pet, especially if they have specific health concerns or are on medication.
  • Comprehensive Care: A veterinary referral signifies a team approach to your pet’s well-being and welfare. It ensures that all professionals involved in your pet’s care are on the same page, leading to more comprehensive and effective treatment.

If you’re considering behavioural services for your horse or dog, I recommend discussing this with your vet. They can provide a referral to me and any relevant medical information, helping us tailor our approach to suit your pet’s unique needs.

Contact us to learn more about how we can work together with your veterinarian to improve your pet’s behaviour.

Download Equine Vet Referal Form

Download Canine Vet Referal Form


Q: I’ve tried various methods without success. How can your approach help?

A: When standard methods have failed to resolve the behavioural issues, it’s understandable to feel frustrated and uncertain. My approach as animal behaviourists differs in several key ways that could provide the solution you’re looking for:

  • Tailored Solutions: I recognise that every animal is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach rarely works. I conduct thorough assessments to understand the specific needs and challenges you face, developing a personalised plan that addresses the root causes of the behaviour, rather than just the symptoms.
  • Scientifically-Informed Strategies: Our methods are grounded in the latest scientific research in animal behaviour. This ensures that the techniques I use are not only effective but also ethical and humane, prioritising welfare and well-being.
  • Holistic Evaluation: I consider all aspects of your horse or dogs environment, history, medical issues and interactions. This holistic view often reveals underlying factors that may have been overlooked, allowing us to address the behavioural issues more comprehensively.
  • Collaboration with Veterinarians: I work closely with veterinarians to rule out or address any medical issues that could be contributing to your horse’s behaviour. This collaboration ensures a well-rounded approach to their care.
  • Education and Support for Owners: A significant part of my approach involves working closely with you, the owner. I provide education and ongoing support, empowering you with the tools and knowledge to continue effective practices and reinforce positive behaviour changes. This is not a quick fix but 1:1 support.
  • Compassionate and Positive Techniques: I emphasise positive reinforcement and compassionate training techniques. These methods build trust and a stronger bond between you and your horse/dog, which is essential for lasting behavioural change.

If you’re ready to try a different approach, Contact me to discuss how I can tailor our services to help your horse. Together, I can work towards a more harmonious and happy relationship between you and your equine companion.


Q: I’ve already had a trainer out, how is a clinical animal behaviourist any different?

A: The distinction between a standard trainer and a clinical animal behaviourist lies in their training, approach, and the depth of their expertise:

  • Advanced Education and Specialisation: Clinical animal behaviourists typically have advanced degrees in animal behaviour science, veterinary medicine, or related fields. This education equips them with a deeper understanding of animal psychology, physiology, and behaviour patterns, allowing them to address complex behavioural issues more effectively.
  • A clinical animal behaviourist uses a holistic approach to assess and treat behavioural problems. This means they consider all aspects of the animal’s environment, history, and interactions, not just the obvious symptoms.
  • Clinical animal behaviourists often work closely with veterinarians to identify and treat any underlying medical issues that could be causing or contributing to behavioural problems. This partnership ensures a comprehensive approach to your animal’s health and behaviour.
  • Tailored Behaviour Modification Plans: Unlike general trainers, clinical animal behaviourists are skilled in creating customised behaviour modification plans. These plans are specifically tailored to the unique needs of each animal, taking into account their specific challenges and environment.
  • Focus on Underlying Causes: While trainers may focus primarily on obedience and training techniques, clinical animal behaviourists delve deeper into the ‘why’ behind a behaviour. They strive to understand the root causes of behavioural issues, which can lead to more effective and long-term solutions.
  • Support and Education: Clinical animal behaviourists also provide extensive education and support to pet owners. They equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to understand and effectively manage your animal’s behaviour, fostering a stronger bond between you and your pet.

In summary, if you’ve worked with a trainer but haven’t seen the desired results, a clinical animal behaviourist might offer the expertise and approach needed to address more complex or persistent behavioural issues.


A: Building confidence and overcoming fears related to horses is a journey that requires patience, understanding, and a tailored approach.

My personalised coaching offers a supportive environment to help you regain confidence and build a positive relationship with your horse. I address your concerns and guide you through the process step by step. I go at your pace and your horses pace to support change, and build back up your confidence.

  1. Understanding Your Concerns: The first step is to understand the specific nature of your concerns. This can involve discussing your past experiences, what exactly about horses or riding makes you anxious, and any particular incidents that may have contributed to these fears.
  2. Gradual Exposure: Gradual exposure to your horse in a controlled environment can be very effective. This might start with simply spending time near your horse in an environment they are reacting to, then gradually progressing, all at a pace that feels comfortable for you and helps your horse.
  3. Building Knowledge and Skills: Often, fear stems from a feeling of lack of control. I can help you build your knowledge about horse behaviour, body language, and care. Learning how to read and respond to a horse can significantly boost your confidence.
  4. Positive Reinforcement: Celebrating small achievements and progress is crucial. Positive reinforcement helps in creating a positive association with horses and riding, gradually replacing fear with confidence.
  5. Emotional Support and Encouragement: Emotional support is a critical part of what I do. I will be there to provide encouragement, listen to your concerns, and help you work through them.
  6. Safety First: Ensuring your safety is paramount. This includes working in a safe environment and using appropriate safety gear. Knowing that your safety is taken care of can help reduce anxiety. We always go at your pace.
  7. Customised Training Plan: I will develop a training plan tailored to your specific needs and comfort level. This plan will be flexible and adaptive.

Remember, overcoming horse-related fears is a personal journey, and it’s okay to progress at your own pace.

Kick on and Carry on Is not how we work here.

With the right guidance and support, you can build your confidence and enjoy a rewarding relationship with horses.



Q: Why does your animal behaviourist service seem more expensive than standard training, and how does it justify the cost?

A: Investing in an animal behaviourist’s expertise may initially appear costly compared to standard training options, but it’s important to understand the value and long-term benefits this investment brings:

  • Expertise and Specialisation: As an animal behaviourist, my services go beyond basic training. I bring specialised knowledge in animal behaviour science, which enables me to address complex behavioural issues effectively. This level of expertise often requires years of education and experience, which is reflected in the pricing.
  • Tailored Approach: Unlike standard training, my approach is highly personalised to meet the specific needs of your animal. This customised plan considers your horse/dog’s unique behaviour, environment, and history, leading to more effective and sustainable outcomes.
  • Long-Term Benefits: The goal of my services is not just to provide a temporary fix but to create lasting behavioural change. This approach focuses on understanding and modifying the root causes of behavioural issues, leading to long-term improvements in your horse/dog’s well-being and your relationship with them.
  • Collaborative Work with Veterinarians: My services often include collaboration with veterinarians to ensure a holistic approach to your pet’s health and behaviour. This comprehensive care often yields better results than training that focuses solely on observable behaviour.
  • Ongoing Support and Education: Part of my service is providing ongoing support and education to you as an owner. This equips you with the skills and knowledge to maintain and continue the progress made during our sessions, enhancing the overall value of the service.
  • Quality of Life Improvement: The improvement in your horse/dog’s behaviour can significantly enhance their quality of life, as well as your enjoyment and ease in your relationship with them. This improvement is a valuable outcome that can positively affect many aspects of daily life.

While the initial cost may be higher, the comprehensive and tailored nature of animal behaviourist services offers a more in-depth and lasting solution to behavioural issues, making it a valuable investment in the long-term well-being and happiness of your pet.

The yearly cost is akin to the price of a single professional grooming session for a dog or a couple of movie tickets.

This relatively modest investment yields a decade of improved communication, a stronger bond with your horse or dog, and a more harmonious relationship, which not only benefits your daily interactions but also significantly enhances your overall experience and quality of life with your horse.


Q: What types of behavioural issues can you help address in horses/dogs?

A: I support a range of behavioural issues,such as anxiety, aggression, fear-based behaviours, etc.

Check out the pages below for further details.

   How Can We Help Your Horse?

   How Can We Help Your Dog?



Q: How long does it typically take to see improvement in my horse/dog’s behaviour?

A: The time it takes to see noticeable improvements in any behaviour can vary widely based on several factors. It’s important to understand that behaviour modification is a process, and each animal is unique in how they learn and adapt. Any trainer who suggests they can fix it in one, is one you should run away from!

Here are some key points to consider:

  • Nature of the Behavioural Issue: Simpler habits or less ingrained behaviours may show improvement relatively quickly, often within a few weeks. More complex or deep-rooted issues, such as severe anxiety or aggression, typically require a longer period, possibly several months or more, to see substantial changes.
  • Consistency of Training: The frequency and consistency of the training sessions significantly impact the speed of progress. Regular practice and reinforcement of the behaviour modification techniques are crucial for effective learning.
  • Individual Animal Differences: Just like humans, each animal has its own personality and learning style. Some may respond quickly to behaviour modification techniques, while others may take more time to adjust and learn.
  • Owner Involvement: Your active participation in the training process is vital. The more time and effort you can dedicate to the work, implementing the behaviour modification strategies, the quicker you may see results.
  • Environmental Factors: Changes in the environment, routine, or the presence of stressors can also influence the speed of behavioural improvement.
  • Follow-up and Support: Regular follow-ups and ongoing support can help reinforce learning and address any emerging challenges, contributing to a more effective and lasting behavioural change.

It’s important to approach behaviour modification with patience and realistic expectations. While some improvements can be seen relatively quickly, lasting and meaningful change often takes time. Remember, the goal is not just to change behaviour temporarily but to achieve long-term wellbeing and a harmonious relationship with your pet.


Q: What support and follow-up do you provide after the initial training sessions?

A: After the initial training sessions, my commitment to you and your pet’s progress continues. Here’s how I support you through the ongoing journey of behavioural modification and learning:

  • Tailored Training Plans: Each pet receives a customised training plan, which is developed based on their individual needs, behaviour, and progress. This plan is designed to guide you on how to continue the training effectively yourself.
  • Training Videos: I provide access to training videos that demonstrate the techniques and exercises we’ve covered. These videos serve as a visual guide to help you remember and correctly implement the training methods.
  • Telephone/Email Support: You’ll have ongoing access to telephone and email support for any questions or concerns that arise. Whether you need clarification on a training technique or advice on a new behaviour issue, I’m here to help.
  • Step-by-Step Training Documents: Alongside the training videos, you’ll receive detailed training documents. These documents offer step-by-step guidance on the exercises and strategies we’ve covered, making it easier for you to follow and refer back to them as needed.
  • 1:1 Sessions in Person: Continuing in-person sessions are crucial for success. These sessions provide essential support, allow us to troubleshoot any issues, and assess your progress. They enable us to make real-time adjustments to the training plan, adapting to your pet’s learning curve and evolving needs. Personalised attention during these sessions ensures that both you and your pet are confidently moving towards your training goals.
  • Review and Adjust Training Plans: As your pet progresses, their training plan may need adjustments. I provide ongoing assessments to ensure that the training remains effective and continues to meet your pet’s evolving needs.

My goal is to ensure that you feel supported and confident in continuing your pet’s training journey. The combination of these resources and ongoing support is designed to provide comprehensive assistance, ensuring long-term success and a happy, well-behaved pet.



Q: Can you tell me about your Code of Conduct and Privacy Policy?

A: At Bright Horse, I am passionate advocates for science-based methods in our behavioural training. I prioritise the use of minimally aversive techniques to achieve training objectives and facilitate behavioural changes.

You can find information on this below:

Code of Conduct and Ethics

Privacy Policy

